Wednesday, 6 October 2010


A few years agon on Hallowen, I was with my friends in the G3 asking for candies, the people who didn't give us candies we threw them eggs. Me in a momento of inspiration, I had a brillant idea to look smart.
I had heard that it was impossible to break an egg if you prees hard on the extremites. Then I grabbed the last egg that we had, saying: Look at me, it is completely impossible to break this egg if you take to the extremites and squeeze hard.
All my friends said: be careful,this is the last egg!! and I said: don't worry it's impossible to break it, it's pure mathematics!
All looking at me thinking: this girl is stupid, she will break the egg! And they weren't wrong; the egg helmet as I did a bit of strength and i made an awful ridiculous.
My friends started to laugh al me anda all agreed that the netx box of eggs I had to pay, for largemouth!!!

It was very funny! They still remeber me as so much I did the ridiculous!!!

1 comment:

  1. The egg cracked open as I made a little effort...
    bigmouth...You make the fool...
    well done.


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